Website Hosting Company Wilmington NC

Wilmington Web is a reliable and affordable website hosting company in Wilmington NC!

Reliable Uptime

We understand that when it comes to website and email hosting, you need reliability. Wilmington Web offers that and so much more!

Our excellent value, customer service, and reliable “uptime” have made website hosting the fastest-growing area of our business, with more companies, organizations, and individuals signing up for our hosting services daily. We also take great pride in watching our clients grow and are happy to provide instant hosting upgrades or adapt a package to suit your changing needs!

With each website hosting package, we provide comes an array of website tools and software to help you easily administer your account and develop your website.

The key factors, after reliability, in any website hosting plan are storage space – the amount of space available for your files and e-mails – and bandwidth – the amount of traffic available to come and go from your website at any time.

Get Your Free Consultation!

Contact us today for a great deal from our fast, high-quality website hosting company in Wilmington, North Carolina.

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What is Website Hosting?

Website Hosting provides the space for your website to live online once it has been built.

Your website is made up of files very similar to those found on your home computer. The difference is that they are written in the language used by internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.

As your own files live on your computer, the files for your site need hard drive space to live on. Most importantly, those files need to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year.

Additionally, your web space needs a fast and powerful connection so that thousands of users every hour can log on and visit your site for important information.

Your Website Lives on a Web Server

The specialized computer, known as a “web server”, that stores your website files and keeps your e-mails safe until you access them, is far more than just a standard personal computer. It also contains hundreds of software programs that support and add to the way your website functions. Some of these functions track visitors to your site and protect it from harmful attacks. Other programs add functions to your site, such as the ability to run a database or back up your files.

When you register a domain name, part of the information you provide are “nameservers.” This is the information, recorded around the world, that tells every browser where to find the files associated with that domain.

Website Hosting provides two primary factors for your site, “disk space” and “bandwidth.”

What is “Disk Space”?

Disk Space is the amount of space on the web server allocated to your site. It gives a home to your website files as well as your e-mails. If you regularly download your e-mails to a program such as Outlook Express or Thunderbird the space needed for e-mails is quite small. However, if you store your e-mails permanently on the server, especially if you receive a large amount of Spam, you will use a little more storage space.

A good web server, such as ours at Wilmington Web, can filter out spam, either as it arrives at the server, or by flagging it so your software knows to filter it out when you receive new mail.

Your website itself will probably use a surprisingly small amount of server space. The files that make up your website have to stay small and compressed in size, so that they download quickly to every computer, even those on a slower internet connection.

What is “Bandwidth?”

Bandwidth measures the amount of traffic to and from your website. When visitors access your site, the files that make up your pages are sent to them electronically. The more website visitors, the more capacity you need. Bigger files, such as videos, need more space, so they use more bandwidth.

Transfer to Wilmington Web

Our team is standing by to help you transfer your website hosting in Wilmington NC to a better home. We can guide you through every step of the process or deal with your current host for you so that you don’t have to worry about any aspect of the move.

Transferring your web hosting is a FREE service available when you sign up for any website hosting plan with Wilmington Web.

Our FIRST concern is to ensure your current website files are safe.

When transferring, the first task is to take a full back up of the files from your current host. We can then upload these to your new Wilmington Web hosting account so that when your domain is repositioned your clients notice no break in service. The process is completely seamless.

You do not have to transfer your domain from your current registrar when you move your website hosting company to Wilmington Web. However, we secure and manage hundreds of domain names for clients all over the world.

Our golden rule at Wilmington Web is to make the process as easy and simple for you as possible.

Call us today at 910-452-6345 and let us take all of your website hosting problems away!

Website Hosting Company in Wilmington

Wilmington Web hosting takes place on “dedicated” servers. This means our entire computer power online is ONLY used by Wilmington Web clients! Many other providers share space with other companies to reduce costs. Sharing servers can slow down access to your website as well as limiting the services your site can provide.

At Wilmington Web, our internet power is working only for you. This allows us to give your website exactly what it needs at all times, and keep it fast and accessible for thousands of visitors all over the world!

In addition to hosting websites, we also specialize in website hosting mergers & acquisitions.

If you want to sell your web hosting company, we want to buy it! Click the above image to visit our specialized website and learn more!

If you have questions about website hosting or if you’d like to set up website hosting in Wilmington NC, give us a call at 910-452-6345.

Free Website Transfers. Fast, Reliable, Business-Class Hosting!