Our Company

Website design and development with a strong emphasis on digital marketing.

Wilmington Web Design and SEO

Wilmington Web Design was formed in September 2004 as a small collective of skilled Web Design and Search Engine Optimization experts. 

Combined, we have over a century of experience creating and growing digital projects for businesses, non-profits, artists, and government entities. However, our greatest strength is that we have a vision of the future, both in terms of the direction technology is growing, and the potential every project has. At Wilmington Web Design, our goal is always to harness that potential, and the power of the Internet to make every business choice and investment move a step closer to that realization.

2004 - Wilmington Web Founded

We made our first commercial website.

2019 - WordwrightWeb Merger

A partnership with WordwrightWeb brought a whole new level of exposure and service offerings.

2024 - New Website Launch

We unveiled our brand new website and logo in the summer of 2024.

Our company model is unusual. Although founded in Wilmington, NC, our team is based diversely at their own location. This structure gives us two advantages. First, we can get a diverse picture, and a sense for trends in business from many different vantage points. Our pool of talent and expertise is not limited to one location. Second, we have no office building, no cubicles, time clocks, or vending machines. This gives us a huge advantage in terms of removing unwanted overheads, and allows us to offer premium level services at truly affordable rates. Additionally, our customer base is global, stretching from Japan to Dubai to California. Our office space is universal, just like the Internet.

We specialize in mobile-first website design, because that’s where Search Engines are focused. We build new websites in WordPress because this provides the best technology for working in the field, in terms of responsibility and cost. We have our own company servers, housed securely in the United States, and many of our clients choose to host with us.

A strong relationship with our clients is our first concern. We have many clients now into their second decade trusting their online solutions to Wilmington Web Design. This is a source of pride, and shows we provide a high standard that lasts.

Fill out our contact form, call, or email us today to see how we can bring our expertise and dedication to your door!

Tell us about your project. Let's bring your creative ideas to life together!