Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to some of the FAQs we have received over our many years in business. However, giving you answers is the cornerstone of our service. If you have a question for our Wilmington Web team, go ahead and call us at 910-452-6345. We are waiting and ready to help you.

At Wilmington Web, we have the skills, methods, and solid business experience to meet our clients’ needs with the greatest value and integrity. We consider a strong working relationship essential to the web design and development process and want the chance to show you the levels of knowledge and efficiency we bring to the table. This is the reason we offer everyone a completely free and no-obligation consultation. Meet us, ask your questions, explain your needs, and let us offer the solutions that will take your organization to the levels you desire, just as we have been doing here in Wilmington, North Carolina for over a decade. Call us today at 910-452-6345. We are waiting to help you!

Our company was first founded in 2004, right here in Wilmington, NC. We are proud to have been a part of the small business community in New Hanover County and North Carolina since that time. In 2019, we joined forces with WordwrightWeb, another web development and digital marketing agency here in Wilmington! WordwrightWeb has been serving Wilmington since 1987, long before the internet. They have adapted over time with technological advancements and are now a comprehensive digital agency!

In our many years doing business, we have worked with companies ranging from individual home-based start-ups to substantial corporations with established businesses on several continents. We are most proud of the large number of jobs we have done for charities, non-profits, and community organizations. Here at Wilmington Web, we have always believed in the importance of social responsibility and a strong ethical base at every level of business. It is for this reason that we now do a large portion of or work with the non-profit sector, and are proud to offer special rates and discounts to groups and organizations whose primary mission benefits society as a whole.

No. The confidence in communication must work both ways. Additionally, we do not like to take projects that we feel make unsound business sense. We have been approached several times to build Facebook or Amazon clones on a shoestring budget with no real understanding of the market or business plan. In such cases, we will be honest and try to save such clients from loss and disappointment. We consider ourselves partners in our client’s success and have never been about taking the money and running.

The core of a good web design project is communication. You want to be sure that your web designer fully comprehends and responds to the language in which you express the needs and desires of your organization. The very best way is a face-to-face meeting, which is why we offer our first in-person consultation meeting entirely free and without obligation. We understand that we have to demonstrate our worth to every new client and then offer you the space to make a choice you are comfortable and confident with. For most organizations, a web design investment is a substantial budget item. We want you to be sure, but are very confident you will believe that you are placing your trust and your investment in the right hands.

This is perhaps the most frequently asked question, and there is no simple cookie-cutter answer. In fact, you should beware of web designers who can offer a quote without taking careful time to assess your needs and the most efficient ways to suit them. Our first consultation is always free and without obligation, and one of our goals after that meeting is to produce an exact quote on our recommendations to meet your needs. Why not call us today at 910-452-6345 to set up a meeting?

This is hard to say, as it varies greatly by client. A custom microsite can take as little as a few weeks and a large, complex website can take a few months. Similar to costing, the time frame for implementation varies on complexity and the number of web pages and website features. In most cases, we are waiting on the client and the client is not waiting on us.

Company checks, invoices, and/or credit cards are accepted. All projects require a down payment to start. Most of our clients pay the invoices online.

In some cases, you may be looking simply to expand or adapt your existing online presence rather than opt for a complete overhaul. Where the limitations of your existing web design allow, we will be happy to help you make those adjustments and additions. As part of our first free consultation, we will be very happy to give you our honest and balanced assessment of what you have in place, and what the most effective and efficient options are, based on that starting point. It is in our greatest interests to talk in a language you understand and point you to the very best path ahead for your organization. We also offer Joomla to WordPress migrations/upgrades, if you would like to rebuild your website on the most widely used CMS platform in 2024.

Absolutely. We consider every website to be a fluid document (unlike printed material) that can and should grow and develop over time, just as your organization will. Where your site is created on a Content Management System, such as WordPress, we can provide training so that you can take the majority of your updates and changes “in-house”, for the best cost and efficiency. If you need changes beyond that level, we are happy to assist in any way. We anticipate that our clients will want to grow and expand their site, so we offer great Post-Design Support deals to help you spread that cost and get the maximum for every dollar you spend. Every site we build is made to be reflexive and adaptive to change. We try to anticipate what you might need as you grow in the years of success to come.

All of our websites are designed around Google’s guidelines for organic SEO. In addition to having a search engine-friendly website, we can create a sitemap.xml file and submit it to Google and Bing upon launch, if requested. We can also create a 301 redirect file to help the search engines and visitors find the new pages based on the older pages that are already indexed.

There are several websites that offer affordable stock images for use in website design projects. Most images cost less than twenty dollars per high-resolution image. We typically recommend and If you like one of our photos or our client’s photos, it is safe to assume it was purchased on one of these websites.

Our process takes you all the way from concept to launch and beyond. For more information and a detailed breakdown of the stages we expect to pass through click here to view our web design process guide.

Yes. Once you have made your final payment, you have 100% ownership of all site materials we have produced for you, and we are happy to deliver these to you in any way you desire.

At Wilmington Web, our capabilities do not end with the final web design. We can help you understand and target your digital marketing strategies. Our goal is to maximize your potential for your budget. Where our in-house team is best placed to do that we can offer our own expertise, but if your needs require specialist third-party input, we will advise you honestly and straightforwardly of what we believe is best. It is in our highest interest to see every client succeed. We will therefore put a great deal of thought into maximizing your potential, be it by utilizing our extensive internal knowledge base, or by helping you partner with the highest quality professionals to meet your specific needs and goals. A win for you is a win for us all.

Absolutely. When you have made the final payment, all the site data is legally yours, and we will happily deliver your site, and full backups, in any format you request. We want you to feel your files are safe and have confidence that every contingency is being anticipated.

Wilmington Web has several team members with years of experience writing copy for many different organizations across a wide variety of media. We understand that each market, and each media, presents its own challenges and requires content that is created specifically to meet these. We will seek to understand your target demographic and the essence of your message and translate this into content that looks good to both visitors and Search Engines.

Although the requirements of each website will vary, our dedicated servers have allowed us to design web hosting services that are reflexive to a very broad spectrum of needs. Click on our hosting link to learn more, or call us right now to get the answers to your questions. We are waiting to give your organization a fast, secure, reliable home on the Internet.

Wilmington Web provides hosting space on dedicated servers. Our server space is only used for our clients. It is highly secure, and we regularly update both hardware and software to keep our systems state-of-the-art. The Wilmington Web systems are physically located in a guarded site and monitored 24/7. The security we offer, both in the virtual and the real world, as well as direct 24/7 support and regular full daily backups of all data, give you all the peace of mind you need that your data is always in the hands of professionals who understand how much it matters.

All of our hosting packages come with a 30-day, money-back, guarantee from the date of your first payment. After this, your hosting payments are not refundable. However, we do not have extended contracts and you are always free to cancel at the end of your current cycle without charge or penalty. We hope that once you have experienced our hosting quality and service, you won’t want to trust your site to any server but ours. The safety and health of your site are always our first concern when it comes to hosting.

At Wilmington Web, we are experienced in providing training for individuals and small teams. WordPress training is a particular strategy and we know how to make it both effective and enjoyable. We always look to tailor every training event to the needs and priorities of the client. Our emphasis is on clear instruction and practical results, and we are always happy to provide follow-up support to ensure both clients and students can maximize the benefits of their instruction. We also have experience in training and support for other software packages and systems. Call us today to see how we can help you meet your training and development goals.

Absolutely. A strong presence on Social Media is now mission-critical for an effective online strategy. Our team has experience establishing organizations in each of the key venues and then aiding them in building strong and effective content. We also provide training on how to best use each opportunity to create a real impact tailored to your market and the unique needs of each media. We understand that every organization has a unique set of needs, goals, and priorities, and so we tailor a strategy for each campaign that best meets and addresses these. Why not call us today to get an overview of how we can transform your online image and take you to the next level of success!

Tell us about your project. Let's bring your creative ideas to life together!